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How to Make Money Online

Welcome to one of the few “make money online” websites that actually encourages you to slow down and plan out your online journey. The goal of this website is to explain exactly how to make money online.

No, you don’t have to be a computer genius or have vast technical knowledge. If you can do email, you can make money online. I’ve made it easier by writing completely free instructions guiding you every step of the way. All you have to do is read.
Quick-Start Guide to Making Money Online

Though there are thousands of websites dealing with earning money, there are really only 4 ways to make money on the Internet. Every website, program and system are simply types of these 4 general methods:

1. Incentivized Freebie Websites

In an economy like what we’re seeing now, businesses are simply dying to get new customers. They’re so desperate to advertise that they’re willing to give you an “incentive” just to check out their offers.

Most of these websites are slanted in the business’ favor. However, there are a few websites that are now offering you free incentives. You sign up, you DON’T pay anything, and you can make a few hundred dollars.

Project Payday is a great example of this — and it’s free. You won’t get rich, but you can make $2,500 or so per month if you’re willing to check out the products. Again, it’s free — don’t pay any website to do this, considering you can sign up to Project Payday for free.

Note: if you do what they say and you can’t make money, let them know. They’ll give you $100 free as a guarantee.

2. Home Business Opportunities

This is probably the most diverse way to make money online. There are so many different variations I can’t possibly detail them all here. Most are scams.

I don’t want to sound pessimistic, but as I have explained on this website before, but don’t sign up for any project or any business that doesn’t provide free information to you about what they do. This will weed out literally 99% of home business opportunities.

That said, if you’re interested in starting an internet business and want some material to “digest” and think over, then sign up at Internet Cash Systems. It’s free. It’s also geared towards beginners.

3. Filling Out Surveys

As we talked about above, some businesses are willing to pay for you to just read their advertisements. Many of the same businesses are also willing to pay you a small sum of money in order to take surveys.

Their reasons are everything from trying to understand the market better, to putting their offer in front of you again. They’re betting you are going to cave and buy their product. If you have self-control then filling out surveys might be for you.

You certainly aren’t going to retire to Tahiti from your survey earnings. Still, places like Valued Opinions is willing to give you $5 per short-survey you complete — and up to $50 for the specialist surveys.

Send Earnings does the exact same thing regarding the surveys — but sends the surveys to your email. You can get paid for reading over emails. You’ll get a free $5 sign-up bonus. This will take time and your earnings won’t be much.

Personally, I don’t have the patience to do it, but if you have, all the more power to you.

4. Build a Website Business

That said, out of the thousands of “online opportunities” out there, the best way to make money online is with your own website. This is how I earn my income online. This, however, isn’t good if you need quick money, or want to get rich quick.

Building a website takes a ton of planning, a ton of work, and a ton of time. It can take up to a year before you see a full-time income.

But it’s also a passive income. I can stop working right now and go to the pool, but my websites will all still be up and earning an income from advertisements — my business makes money without me now. That’s the biggest pull. To learn more about building a website, read to the end of this page.
How to Pick and Choose a Program

When it comes to picking out a way to make money, remember that you’re trying to make money, not spend money. In other words, only pick a project that guarantees that you’ll make money, and is free to sign up. Otherwise, make very, very sure you trust a program before giving them a red cent.

Thousands have learned this the hard way. Don’t be a statistic. Sign up to learn more about a project before you spend money — if you ever do. Become acquainted with other similar programs before making a decision. Check out free programs before “paid” programs.

Ten minutes of research can save you hours of headache, and let you choose the right program so you can actually make money rather than get burned.
Making Money Online With a Website

The vast majority of this website is about starting your own website.

The reason is simple: it’s the best way to make money online. Anyone can do it, it’s a passive income, and you can get started instantly. It’s not a job; it’s a business.

There are a lot of myths about websites, blogging and making money online in general. Check out my article How Websites Make Money Online to learn more about how websites actually make money.

If you’d like to find out more about the wonderful author of this website, then check out the About Page. You can read my story there.
Who Can Make Money Online?

Absolutely anyone can make money online. It’s an old myth that you have to be a “computer geek” to own a website, or make money with a free program like Project Payday. Those days are over.

If you have an email address or use Facebook or any other website where you have an account, then you can set up your own website.

That said, making money online with a website isn’t for everyone. You have to be willing to look ahead, make plans, and work hard. If you just want to slap a blog together, write a few things to put on it, and then forget it ever existed, you’re probably best sticking with Project Payday.

Project Payday is free, so there isn’t any risk. But starting a website costs anywhere from $100 to $300. This is still dirt cheap considering you’re starting a business, but if you aren’t willing to work at it, it’s just a waste.

Making money online isn’t about “getting rich quick”. If that’s what you’re after, it’s not possible. After all, if we could all get rich quick and easily, then we’d all be rich.

That said, you can achieve almost any online income goals if you’re willing to plan well and work hard. If anything, this is an anti-get-rich-quick scheme because you’ll have to work hard at it for a long period of time. It just takes a good plan and a strong work ethic.
What’s The Best Way to Make Money Online?

If the above sounds discouraging, don’t lose heart. Starting a website was the best financial decision of my life — so much that I’ve made this page a part of my financial planning website. I think everyone right now should at least try to start a website.

Bill Gates once said:

“This is a fantastic time to be entering the business world, because business is going to change more in the next 10 years than it has in the last 50.”

As I’ve described above, the best way to make money online is with a website. A website only has to be created once, and it exists indefinitely. That means rather than getting paid “by the hour” or “by the day” you get paid forever.

Work once, earn forever. That’s why, in a nutshell, making money online has grown to extraordinary popularity in the past few years. It let’s anyone build a passive income online.
What Should I Do Now?

To help you in the website department, I wrote an article that details every step you’ll need to take to build a money-making website. It will hold your hand throughout the entire process. It’s called the ten-step plan.

So what should you do right now? One of two things:

* Sign up for Project Payday. Sign up for Project Payday to make money to get started. After you make money with the program, make sure to come back to put your money to good use.

* Start up your website. When you buy your hosting and domain (you buy them together at the same time), make sure to come back here and keep reading.

Before you keep reading, I want to say something personal: the biggest mistake I made when trying out making money online for myself was that I waited nearly an entire year before I finally acted. I don’t even want to think about how much money I wasted by not being decisive.

Wasting time is wasting money.

Before you get up from the computer, promise yourself to make a single real step towards making money online. Even if it’s something silly like making this page your homepage to remind you to act, do something. Otherwise, you’ll hate yourself in 12 months.

So either sign up for Project Payday, or complete step one of the Ten-Step Plan. Congratulations on your decision to make money online, and good luck!
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