How to Make Money With Your Website
This is the fun part — actually making money online with your website. There are tons of ways to do this, so feel free to mix and match the following concepts, or come up with one of your own.
Note that you’ll need to experiment with your monetization. A website that might only make $10 a day from adsense could make $1000 from affiliate programs. Choose your method of making money wisely.
Advertising Programs
Advertising programs are the most popular way to make an income with a website — almost every website has them. There are plenty of companies that give you a special code to put on your website. This code then looks like a block of advertisements when visitors see it.
There are basically direct types of online advertisements — CPC, CPM and direct ads.
“CPC” stands for “Cost Per Click”, which means you’ll make money only when someone clicks on your ad. You can make anywhere between 10 cents and 10 dollars per click.
“CPM” stands for “Cost Per Thousand”, which means you’ll get paid when people see the ads — just a very, very small amount. You might get paid $1-2 per thousand times someone sees the ads.
A direct ad is when you are paid directly for the ad to be listed on your website. This amount isn’t dependent on how much traffic will see their ad or how many clicks they get — they’re making a decision to trust that your website will make their ad worth while.
CPC Advertising Programs
CPM Advertising Programs
Direct Advertising Programs
These are just the start. There are hundreds of advertising programs to be found online. Do some digging and you can find more.
Sell Products
A website is basically a storefront — you can sell products. You can sell anything from birdhouses to pet food to wholesale watches — if it exists, you can sell it.
Even if you don’t own your own product, you can sell a product for another person or company. That’s called “affiliate marketing”, and you can read about it below.
Affiliate Programs
Affiliate marketing is where you become a sort-of online salesperson for a company or person. You get a special link that only you have — anyone who buys/signs up through your link will be registered in the main database. The computer will track how many sales you make, and you’ll get a comission.
For example, at my financial website, I’m a salesperson for banks and “sell” savings accounts. If someone signs up for a savings account through my site, I’ll make about $25. That’s how affiliate programs work.
Last Thoughts
There are tons of more ways to make money online. You can sell a service (consulting, reviews, advice, graphic design, freelance writing, etc), sell links (risky) and dozens of other things.
Personally, I use a mixture of affiliate programs and advertising programs. I find they go together well.
If you haven’t built your website yet, then read the 10-step program to get started.